Women in Leadership

women_image1Leading with Power & Authority

  • Consulting services to help you build authentic learning cultures that leverage diverse talents.
  • Working with Mental Models to identify empowering gender-related best practices.
  • Presentation skills for maximizing engagement with challenging audiences. This includes the latest techniques in storytelling, language, and non-verbal communication.
  • Situational leadership skills for finding your voice and influencing team results.
  • Open Space Technology sessions on the topic of diversity and gender issues.
  • Entrepreneurial Thinking to create an uncompromising competitive advantage.
  • Interactive group learning, simulation games, and management skills for leading high performance teams.
  • Customized half day, full day, and coaching options and facilitated by our stellar female consultants.

women_image3The best way to become a bigger fish is to be trained by one.

Contact us & get it done:
Toronto: 416.763.3017, Vancouver 604-730-8882